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Kwong.Art課程跟Art Jam有何不同?一般Art Jam主要目的可能是帶走一件即興創作的作品。 Kwong.Art期望給學員帶走的是一套系統化的繪畫技巧,懂得化繁為簡拆解眼前景物,將藝術融入生活之中。 例如: •出國旅行時即興速繪眼前景物 •透過速繪向客戶講述設計概念
什麼是手繪試堂?手繪試堂內容主要有基本畫圖技巧﹑ 透視學及比例學。 參加者可先了解 Kwong.Art 導師的教學方式, 從而考慮參加其他常規課程。
請問我沒有經驗可以參加嗎?可以。 Kwong.Art 課程是按步就班由幾何基本功開始。 入門班的培訓對象正就是初學者。
請問我有經驗可以參加嗎?可以。 請您在試堂時跟導師分享您的作品, 以便安排合適您的課程內容。
Kwong.Art課程在哪裡上堂?觀塘道320號 THE ICON 813室 (牛頭角地鐵站B5出口, 步行5分鐘。)
請問一堂會有多少人?Kwong.Art 課程是小班教學, 人數約 8-12,12人為上限。
在哪裡可以欣賞到你們學生的作品?可瀏覽 或 Instagram @kwongstudent
初學者需要學習多久才能看到成效?視乎學員練習情況而定。 Kwong.Art 導師擁有豐富的教育經驗,善長在短期內培訓初學者畫出景物,若配合Kwong.Art 的建議練習,4-5堂內便可見成效。
常規班課程如何報名?在我們的網頁裡按 【Course】, 按 【登記】 及填下個人資料後, 我們會盡快 Whatsapp 你。
若時間不穩定,可跟Kwong.Art預約嗎?"你可申請 【五天學習Pass】 自行安排上課時間。 •預約及詳情:
如果缺席, 可申請補堂嗎?"四天常規班最多免費補堂一次。 試堂及自行組合時間的 【五天學習Pass】,則不設補堂。 如有需要額外補堂,收費為每小時 HK$100。
完成課程後,可繼續跟Kwong.Art學畫嗎?"可以。 舊生完成所有課程後,可登記 【五天學習Pass】 繼續深化技巧。導師會根據學員情況及需要給予指引。 •預約及詳情:
我可以透過Whatsapp問功課嗎?Kwong.Art 並不建議透過 Whatsapp 問功課。 繪畫是一門手藝, 面對面解釋及示範會更有效率。 Kwong.Art 建議學員應將自己練習時所遇到的問題記錄下來,並於每堂首二十分鐘的討論環節提出。學員可透過分享及討論,加快了解並掌握對應的繪畫技巧。
Kwong.Art有英文教學的繪畫課程嗎?可作安排。 請聯絡我們並加入 Whatsapp 群組等候。 (人數約達8人會安排開班)
請問我需要什麼文具?入門階段: A4畫薄﹑ HB鉛筆﹑ 透明尺子及擦膠 進階階段: A4畫薄﹑ HB鉛筆﹑ 透明尺子及油性繪圖筆 高階階段: A4畫薄﹑ 針筆﹑ Markers (168色以上)﹑ 黑及白木顏色筆﹑ 水彩掃﹑顏料及紙
Kwong.Art有作品集課程嗎?沒有。 Kwong.Art 導師可根據學生需要, 分享個人升讀設計學院及準備面試作品集等經驗, 希望能引發學生多角度思考,找到自己的方向。 Kwong.Art 並不為考生的作品集作任何提議, 也不為任何香港考試及評核局的作品集作任何評論。
Kwong.Art有戶外寫生活動嗎?我們正在策劃⋯⋯ 詳情會在 及 Instagram @Kwong.Art 上公佈。
在惡劣天氣下,Kwong.Art會如何安排?處於三號熱帶氣旋﹑ 黃色或紅色暴雨警告生效期間, 除非另行公佈,所有室內課堂將如常舉行。 若懸掛八號或以上熱帶氣旋,或黑色暴雨警告信號生效期間,未開始的課程及活動將會取消。 特別課程安排將會透過 Whatsapp 及 Instagram 上公佈。
Kwong.Art有網上繪圖課程嗎?暫時沒有。 我們有設立 YouTube 頻道, 名為 Kwong Art, 會不定期上載短片供學生作參考。
哪裡可買到Kwong.Art的作品或產品?在 的 【 ArtShop 】 上可以購買。 若你非處於香港, 可透過 PayPal 或信用卡支付。 若你身處香港, 可透過 Payme, 轉數快或現金存款支付。
我可以用Kwong.Art的作品或教材嗎?所有教學內容及教學作品的知識產權由 Kwong.Art 所擁有。在沒有獲得 Kwong.Art 的書面同意之下,均不得用於任何牟利或非牟利用途。
How do Kwong.Art courses differ from art jam courses in the market?Art jamming courses may let you create artwork to bring home. Differently, with Kwong.Art you can learn how to simplify the sketching process in a systematic way that you will be able to apply the techniques into your lives. For example, • do urban sketch during your trips • sketch your design ideas in client meetings
What is the trial lesson?Trial lesson is to provide a chance for people to try before joining the regular courses. The content of the trial lesson is a brief insight into basic sketching skills, perspectives and proportions.
Can I join your courses if I have not learnt sketching before?Experience is not necessary to join our courses. We will teach from basics such as perspectives and proportions which are suitable for beginners.
Can I join your course if I want to improve my sketching skill?Yes. After you have worked with us in the trial lesson, we can arrange a course according to your level.
Where is your art studio?Room 813, The IconKwun Tong Road 320-322 Kowloon, Hong Kong
How many people are there in your class?Usually 8 to 12 people in a class.
Where can I appreciate your students' work?You can find it on our website: and Instagram @kwongstudent.
How long can I pick up sketching skills with Kwong.Art?It depends on how much time you devote after class. Generally, if you follow the guides and finish all the exercises assigned, 4 to 5 lessons would be enough to pick up the basic skills. However, we believe that everyone has his/her own pace of progress. Be patient for your growth. No rush but enjoy!
How can I apply for your regular courses?• Step 1 Go to 【Course】 in our website • Step 2 Click 【Register】 and fill in your personal information • Step 3 Payment method and confirmation will be sent via Whatsapp after registration
How can I join courses at Kwong.Art if my time schedule is unstable?You can apply for 【 5-Day Learning Pass 】 and arrange your own class schedule. • Booking and details:
Can I request a make-up lesson if I am not able to attend all lessons?For 4-day regular courses, 1 make-up lesson can be arranged. There is no make-up lesson or refund for any absence of a trial lesson and 5-day learning pass. Students are suggested to well manage their schedules with the flexibility provided by the learning pass. For extra make-up lessons upon request, HK$100/hour will be charged.
Can I keep learning with Kwong.Art after finished all courses?Yes, you can join 【 5-Day Learning Pass 】 for further enhancement. •Booking and details:
Can I ask questions about my homework via Whatsapp?We do not suggest discussion via Whatsapp. It is more effective for us to demonstrate face to face for your better understanding. You are suggested to write down your difficulties during self-practice and share at the beginning of every lesson. We will spend 20 minutes on homework discussion.
Does Kwong.Art have a sketching course in English?We will start a sketching course in English when we have enough people of 8. If you live in Hong Kong and can only speak English, you can contact us and join our WhatsApp waiting group.
What stationery should I prepare for the courses?Basic Level: A4 notebook, HB pencils, transparent rulers and rubbers Intermediate Level: A4 notebook, HB pencils, transparent rulers and waterproof sketching pens Advanced Level: A4 notebook, waterproof sketching pens, markers (168 Colour), black and white colour pencils, watercolour palette, brushes and watercolour papers
Does Kwong.Art have a portfolio tutorial?We can share the experience of portfolio preparation for higher education in person. However, we do not advise on portfolio preparation for the submission to Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
Will Kwong.Art hold an urban sketching event?We are planning to organise some urban sketching activities in the future. Details of the event will be announced on our instagram and website: Please get in touch closely by following us on instagram!
How will Kwong.Art arrange courses or events under inclement weather?If Typhoon Signal No. 1 or 3 is in force, all classes will be held as scheduled. No special arrangement will be implemented. If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted, courses and events will be cancelled. Please pay attention to the special arrangement announced by Kwong.Art via Whatsapp and Instagram Story.
Can I propose for business cooperation with Kwong.Art?Yes. Please contact us for further discussion.
Will Kwong.Art have an online sketching course?We don’t have any online courses yet. But we have a Youtube Channel that we may upload some videos for reference.
Where can I buy Kwong.Art works and products?Please browse and click 【Art shop】. You can pay via Paypal or credit card if you are out of Hong Kong. Payment via Payme, FPS or cash deposit is accepted for Hong Kong Residents.
Can I use artworks and education materials from Kwong.Art?All Rights are reserved by Kwong.Art. You have NO RIGHT to use our artworks and education materials for both commercial or non-commercial use without our acknowledgement with a written consent.
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